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Identify and remove negative energies at home

Remove negative energies at home

The world is full of positive as well as negative energies. It is not that someone intentionally exudes negative energy but it is just how complicated our chakras are within. But we must keep in mind that we ourselves should not become a recipient and transmitter of negative energies. Negative thoughts in the form of jealousy, criticizing others, being quarrelsome, gluttony, lethargy and more should be avoided. Evolution as a better human is a daily activity and it is important to note that our energies are affecting the environment around and vice-versa. 

Here are some indicative signs of understanding that negative energies are indeed floating around.

1. Chronic health problem of a family member, who may not be responding to treatment. There are times that we are not able to find a solution to the ailment of a family member.
2. Work or good opportunities getting stuck or getting snatched away repeatedly just at the final stage of fruitification.
3. Success seeming far away and desired results not being materialised.
4. Feeling lethargic all the time and not having focus or the will to do anything despite loads of opportunities around. 
5. A zero-state of thinking.
6. Uncomfortable in staying or working in such premises.
7. Repetitive negative thoughts or thinking of suicide.
8. Erratic, irrational or unpredictable behavior by member(s) of the family, in response to simple/straight stimulus.
9. Repeated quarrels within the family or team members at work.
10. Unprecedented and illogical happenings in the house (which could be resultant of the existence of certain negative supernatural forces or some kind of black magic being deployed).

Keeping your home unclean, cluttered, with a lot of unused, damaged, broken items/objects strewn around could actually become a breeding ground for negative and stagnant energies. But the answers to eradication of such energies are found in our very own ancient science of Vastu Shastra. Dr. Raviraj Ahirrao, Vastu Expert & Co-Founder Vastu Raviraj shares tips on how we can remove negativity from our homes using Vastu Tips.

Remove negativity from our homes with these simple steps:

Cleanliness and remedies

Keep The Entrance Of Your House Clean!
1. This tip not only helps to keep the negative energy away but helps to create a good first impression for your guests. You can also add small plants at the entrance of your house to make it look more inviting. It is essential that not only your house is clean and tidy from inside but outside as well. Therefore you must make sure to clean the entrance of your house regularly.
2. A mixture of water with lemon juice, salt and white vinegar should be used for wiping door knobs and windows. Afterwards, pour sea salt at all entrances and cover it with a doormat to prevent negative energy from entering the premise.
3. While mopping the floor, a pinch of sea salt should be added to the water (except on Thursdays) This remedy helps in destroying the negative energy of the house or place of work.
4. To ward off evil eyes, you can take a pinch of salt in your hand and move it over the head of the person affected thrice (can be done for 2-3 days at a stretch). The salt should be thrown out of the house.
5. Salt can be used for business purposes too and this salt-remedy can be also used to increase sales - put a piece of salt in a red cloth and hang it in the store or office. This will protect the stores and businesses from evil eyes. This will gradually increase profits for both office and home to overcome poverty
6. Negative energies of bathrooms and toilets can be also removed by a simple Vastu step - According to Vastushastra, both glass and salt are factors of Rahu. Therefore, a cup of glass filled with salt should be kept in the toilet and bathroom in the house. This remedy helps in removing such Vastu defects
7. If the relation between a husband and wife are upset about anything or having some kind of conflict or a mental disturbance, then a piece of rock-salt in one corner of the bed would help. It will remove negative energy and replace this piece after a few months

Burning of Sage & Agarbattis

1. Lighting of Agarbatti (incense sticks) and Dhoop can amplify the auspicious energies. The agarbattis and dhoops should be shown to every nook and corner of the house twice daily and this will help us to reduce the negative energy and promote a healthy and energetic life.
2. Burning “sage or smudge sticks" and spreading its smoke in anti- clockwise manner in each and every corner of the premises could help in removing negative energies

Use of colours and crystals

1. Use of crystals like Amethysts, black tourmaline and many such to eradicate negative energies can also be used.
2. Colours have always impacted the energies at home and vastu shastra suggests that some colours are very impactful in inviting positive energies at home. Every direction of the premises is influenced with particular colours. However anti-colour give rise to negative energy. Blue in NW, N, NE. Green in East, Orange in SE, Red in South, Red+ Yellow in SW . Dark blue in West are the ideal colours.

Negative energies also increase exponentially, if there are pictures depicting rivalry among family members or any kind of paintings depicting moroseness or sadness. Artefacts or sculptures of terrifying dispositions can all be increasing negativity without your knowledge. So does broken glasses, mirrors, broken images or idols of Gods and cactus plants. Negative energies are easy to feel and there are ways and methods to eradicate them with some simple and at times with complex steps. Having said, there could be times when all scientific efforts to resolve the problems would fail. At those times one can use the dowsing method or you can get the premises checked by experts. The remedies in such cases should be under expert guidance always!

from LifeStyle
Identify and remove negative energies at home Identify and remove negative energies at home Reviewed by streakoggi on September 13, 2020 Rating: 5
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