A good diet and sufficient nutrition are essential during pregnancy for proper growth of the baby. Pregnant women must consume 300 extra calories than they used to before pregnancy. Not having enough and nutritious food can cause long term implications for both the mother and the baby. While it subjects the baby to the risks of cognitive and emotional issues, the mother can acquire long-term ailments such as osteoporosis, thyroid, diabetes, anaemia etc. Even though the vomiting and nausea in the first few weeks of pregnancy might make it difficult, ensure to have a balanced diet and take necessary health supplements to keep yourself and your baby healthy.
Here are eight food habits that pregnant women must follow:
01/ Have a variety of foods
Do not follow any restrictive diets during the entire term of your pregnancy. Eat a variety of foods so that your body gets all the nutrients it needs for the baby’s development. It is recommended to have 2 to 4 servings of fruits, 6 to 11 servings to grains and bread, 4 or more servings of veggies, 3 servings of protein sources like meats, fish, eggs or nuts and 4 servings of dairy products like milk, cheese, ghee etc. Keep the consumption of sweets and fats to a minimum.
02/ Eat your fibres
Gas and cramping are two major problems during pregnancy. To deal with these issues, it is vital to increase the intake of fibre. Make sure you are having enough fibre-rich foods such as grains, whole-grain bread, cereals, rice, vegetables and fruits. Avoid cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower etc. that can cause gas. If you can’t complete your recommended fibre intake through foods, you can consider taking natural supplements such as psyllium husk. Discuss with your doctor before starting any supplement. Also, remember to increase your water intake along with fibre.
03/ Consume enough iron
You need double the amount of iron than an average person during pregnancy. You must have at least 27 mg of iron daily. Therefore, make sure that you are having a minimum of three servings of foods that are loaded with iron. For example, you can include lean meats, breakfast cereals, spinach and beans in your daily diet. Not having enough iron can cause the haemoglobin levels to drop.
04/ Don’t miss out on calcium
As your bones expand and make way for the baby, you need more calcium. Your joints will also need more strength to support the baby’s weight. Don’t forget that your body will need calcium to develop the bones of the baby. Therefore, eat at least four servings of dairy products in the day ranging from milk, butter, cheese etc. Make sure that you consume between 1000-1300 mg of calcium each day.
05/ Choose one source of folate
Folate is an essential nutrient that pregnant women should have to protect themselves and the baby from neural tube ailments like spina bifida. Have restricted quantities of one out of legumes and green vegetables just until you consume 0.64 mg of folate every day. However, leafy vegetables and beans can cause problems in some pregnant women. For those, having a folate acid supplement is recommended to be safe. Discuss any diet changes with your doctor before acting on them.
06/ Don’t forget about iodine
Iodine is vital for the cognitive development of the baby. It also helps to evolve their nervous system properly. You must consume at least 220 mg of iodine daily during the term of your pregnancy. Eat iodine-rich foods such as cottage cheese, baked potatoes, yoghurt and limited amounts of seafood like shrimp, salmon and cod. Do not exceed 228-283 grams of seafood in a week.
07/ Have vitamin C daily
A pregnant woman needs 80-85 mg of Vitamin C every day. Therefore, make sure that you are having enough oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, honeydew, Brussels sprouts, green peppers, tomatoes etc. in your daily servings of fruits and veggies.
08/ Take your supplements
Your body must absorb a wide range of minerals and vitamins so that it can help the baby grow while keeping you healthy. While it is best to get your nutrients from food sources, you can always go for a prenatal supplement to be sure. Talk to your doctor about your diet, and they will recommend a suitable supplement for you. Do not buy just any over-the-counter supplement without discussing with your doctor.
from LifeStyle
8 food habits to follow during pregnancy
Reviewed by streakoggi
September 13, 2020