COVID-19 causing SARS-COV-2 is a respiratory virus which attacks different people differently. However, the one recognizable symptom which points to signs of trouble early on is the presence of a dry cough, aka, the infamous COVID cough.
01/ Here is why it is concerning
While coughing is the body's natural mechanism to expel out irritants, differentiating a normal cough from a COVID cough can help you take timely action.
Experts say that nearly 80% of the patients diagnosed with COVID-19 suffer from mild symptoms, which include a cough, slightly high fever, headache or shortness of breath. Only 20% or those with co-morbidities suffer from severe complications. Hence, paying attention to milder symptoms can prevent complications and help a person recover faster.
Studies conducted in the recent months suggested that of all mild symptoms, most people diagnosed with COVID-19 recorded a hoarse, dry cough as a prominent symptom in the early days of infection.
02/ What is a dry cough
A dry cough, to put it simply, as when no mucus or phlegm is produced with the cough. You will not feel the mucus moving down your throat in case of a dry cough. It is usually a reaction to something irritating your throat.
03/ How do you recognize a dry cough? Is it unique to a coronavirus infection?
While a dry cough is usually characterized in COVID diagnosed patients, it is not particular or unique to COVID-19. A dry cough is a cough which is produced without sputum or phlegm. Since it doesn't bring up any kind of mucus, it is considered to be a 'non-productive' cough.
A dry cough feels like a constant tickle in the back of your throat. It can trigger a cough reflex and produce a hoarse sound when you speak.
While dry cough can feel bothersome and more troublesome to manage, dry coughs can also happen with other forms of allergies and infections such as bronchitis or forms of the common cold.
04/ Why does COVID cause a dry cough?
Most COVID-19 symptoms are resultant of inflammation and the virus attacking the respiratory symptom. SARS-COV-2 virus can multiply and block airways in the upper tract, settle in the lungs which can lead to irritation and possible inflammation of the lung tissue and linings. When this happens, a cough is produced. This can be one of the primary reasons why a dry cough is associated with COVID. It should be noted that a wet cough has been recorded only in a small percentage of patients so far.
05/ When should you see a doctor?
Since COVID symptoms start off as that of a seasonal cough or flu, it can be tricky to determine if your infection is just the regular flu or COVID-19. Most experts agree that if your cough lingers for more than a week, or is accompanied by symptoms like gastrointestinal issues, breathlessness, headache, chest pain or any other typical signs (link to story here), it should be a sign to get a COVID test done.
06/ Attend to your symptoms and do not take them lightly
If you have pre-existing health conditions, respiratory problems or are low on immunity, taking medical advice is pertinent to stay on the right track of health.
With asymptomatic patients too, the symptoms should never be taken lightly. It can be possible that you have barely noticeable symptoms or symptoms like that of a cough which set in after a week. Hence, attend to your symptoms and seek treatment at the earliest.
07/ Are there any remedies to lessen the pain and symptoms?
Till now, there are no approved antiviral treatments to get rid of COVID-19 or any symptoms in particular. Rest and recovery can help fight the infection. However, certain home remedies and alternative treatments can take care of a dry cough or a sore throat, which can feel icky and bothersome and relieve pain to an extent. Gargling with warm water, using a honey-ginger concoction, staying hydrated or having Ayurvedic herbs like mulethi (liquorice root) may help. Drinking immunity-boosting kadhas and soothing teas can also make you feel at ease and recover faster. Do remember to seek professional medical advice with the earliest onset of any symptoms.
08/ Follow good hygiene protocols
Non-pharmaceutical measures, such as staying home in isolation, getting ample of rest, using a mask, disinfecting surfaces, avoiding sharing utilities, and most importantly, washing and sanitizing hands is your best bet to beat the infection and get timely relief.
from LifeStyle
Can you actually recognise a COVID cough?
Reviewed by streakoggi
August 03, 2020