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The Obamas Seem To Be Extremely Unmoved By Twitter’s #Obamagate

To say it’s been a strange week on Twitter would be quite the understatement. People on the platform have dragged Greta Thunberg, tried to “cancel” Cole Sprouse for no apparent reason, and, for three days now, #Obamagate has been trending, egged on by the president himself. But it should be noted: nobody can explain what Obamagate is, aside from Obama committing “the biggest political crime in American history,” according to President Trump. What, exactly is that crime? Good question! For their part, the Obamas seem completely unbothered by the whole thing — which, they should be.

On Thursday, former first lady Michelle Obama sent out a tweet showing the full extent of how unconcerned with the attacks on Obama’s presidency the couple is — which she demonstrated by completely ignoring them. Instead, the iconic duo read a children’s book for a soothing five minutes and 54 seconds. “Barack and I had so much fun reading ‘The Word Collector’ for a family read-a-long through the @chipublib,” Michelle tweeted. “This book is one of my favorites—it reminds me of what it was like to get lost in the magic of words as a little kid. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.”

Their unified message seemed to say something different: #Obamagate Who? And many people are wondering, too, what exactly is Obamagate? Let me try to explain, using President Trump’s explanations to questions he’s been asked about it: In response to questions about what crimes Obama committed during his presidency, Trump explained straightforwardly: “OBAMAGATE!” of course.

“It’s been going on for a long time!” Trump added when pressed for more details. “You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody, all you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours,” he further explained to Washington Post reporter Phillip Rucker, also calling the “crime” a “disgrace.”
Despite Trump’s inability to grasp what, exactly, he is accusing Obama of, the general charge behind Obamagate is that Obama was part of a conspiracy to use an FBI counter investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia in an attempt to undermine the Trump presidency. However, there is no evidence to support this theory.

While the Obamas ignore the conspiracy theories being spewed by the sitting president, Trump is continuing to push them. On Thursday morning he sat for an interview with Fox in which he suggested that Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden — the current presumed 2020 Democratic nominee — should both be in jail. Trump also tweeted on Thursday demanding that Obama be forced to testify in front of the Senate for his supposed crime. Again — and I cannot stress this enough — it is unclear what crime specifically Trump is referring to, and no evidence has pointed to Obama’s implication in said “crime.”

Now, in response to #Obamagate, there is a new hashtag trending: #Obamagategate. Confused? Yeah, me too.

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Why Twitter Is Having Barack Obama Nostalgia

from refinery29
The Obamas Seem To Be Extremely Unmoved By Twitter’s #Obamagate The Obamas Seem To Be Extremely Unmoved By Twitter’s #Obamagate Reviewed by streakoggi on May 14, 2020 Rating: 5
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