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4 Skin-Care Products Hailey Is Using To Cure Justin’s Acne At Home

During last week’s episode of The Biebers on Watch, Justin and Hailey’s quarantine reality show airing on Facebook, the couple brought fans into their kitchen to cook dinner. Before long, the subject turned from pasta to something more personal: Over the sauté pan, the Biebers got into an intimate discussion about Justin’s adult-onset acne. The conversation apparently generated so much interest that the two decided to dedicate an entire video to the topic of skin care - specifically, how Hailey is helping Justin clear up his acne during quarantine.

The new video, Skin Care with the Biebers, shows Hailey playing aesthetician by giving Justin a full-service facial while breaking down the four-step product routine she personally prescribes for her husband.
For step one, Hailey uses her fingers to massage an enzyme cleanser into Justin’s skin, which she explains “will lightly exfoliate the skin and open up the pores.” Using a cloth towel to remove the cleanser, she then applies a turmeric face mask and leaves that on for 5-10 minutes, followed by a detoxifying mask designed specifically for acne-prone skin.

While they let the clarifying mask sit, Justin talks about his specific acne condition. “It’s like so cystic and bubbly and it won’t go away,” he explains, adding that the flareups have taken a toll on his self confidence. “It definitely bugs me — I wear a hat a lot more, which probably makes it worse.”

Justin’s not alone in his skin struggles: Hailey adds that she’s had her own issues with hormonal acne. “Within the last year, I started to get a little bit of adult-onset acne from my IUD,” she explains. “Because I had never been on birth control, my hormones were a little out of balance.” What really helped, she says, was spironolactone, a prescription drug traditionally used to treat high blood pressure that can also be beneficial for acne. “Luckily for me, I was able to go on something called spironolactone,” Hailey says — though she’s quick to caveat that spironolactone isn’t a cure-all for everyone because of how it affects hormone levels, which is why it’s important to talk to a dermatologist.

Getting back to the product portion of the routine, once the detox mask has worked its magic, the final step of Justin’s routine is a serum. After he rinses off the detoxifying mask, Hailey applies a clarifying serum with glycolic acid (which, as Justin learned from experience, can sting a little) onto his clean skin. Hailey doesn’t list the exact products she uses, but you can recreate the four easy-to-follow steps — an enzyme cleanser, turmeric mask, detoxifying mask, and glycolic acid serum — with products of your choosing if you want to give Justin Bieber’s quarantine skin routine a try. All that’s missing, in our opinion, is a good SPF moisturizer.
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from refinery29
4 Skin-Care Products Hailey Is Using To Cure Justin’s Acne At Home 4 Skin-Care Products Hailey Is Using To Cure Justin’s Acne At Home Reviewed by streakoggi on May 14, 2020 Rating: 5
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