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10 Ergonomic Goods That Will Support Your WFH Body

The word ergonomic gets tossed around like it's the star ingredient in a wellness-word salad. We ourselves are guilty of blindly buying into products that are stamped with its body-support seal of approval — especially now that we're stuck at home in a make-shift office. But, what does something like an ergonomic desk chair really do? And how do we separate the good ergonomic lumbar cushions from the bad? (Asking for an aching lower back.)

According to the Mayo Clinic, office ergonomics is a working environment that is set up to comfortably and efficiently relate with our bodies (which are not one size fits all) — that can include picking strategic products to help you achieve everything from correct chair height (knees should be level with hips) to equipment spacing (computer screen should be an arm's length away) and proper desk posture (wrists should be straight and hands at or below elbow level). Taking this into account, we hunted down the best ergonomic accessories (from footrest cushions to standing-desk mats and kneeling to saddle-style chairs) that reviewers swear by for supporting their work-body relationship.

Ahead, a shopping guide we hope will make your at-home office feel less makeshift and more professionally aligned — broken down by what each ergonomic item is supporting, backed by people who actually felt supported by it.

We’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. 

Hammacher Schlemmer The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool

1.Ergonomic Stool

Will Support: Core
This zany looking seat is so ergonomically good at strengthening posture, flexibility, and circulation of cores and backs that it has won multiple design awards for doing so (including The Edison Award and The Good Design Award).

Supported Say: "This is beyond fabulous. Amazingly comfortable, much more so than a standard chair for me. The slow movements not only feel good but have played a major role in abating a cranky back of mine. Posture is no problem. The use of this stool seems to strengthen all those lower muscles. I am using it at my desk for a few too many hours a day. I am recommending this to my friends." – Sara, Amazon Reviewer

Hammacher Schlemmer The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool, $, available at Amazon

Truweo Adjustable Upper Back Brace

2.Posture Brace

Will Support: Neck, Back, & Shoulders
If you've been distracted by the thought that your colleague is wearing a backpack during your weekly Zoom calls, they're probably wearing this. The #1 Bester Seller on Amazon posture corrector is actually just an upper-back brace that is designed to adjust to your body for supporting and providing relief to your neck, back, and shoulders.

Supported Say: "I work from home on the computer so my posture has taken a major toll over the years! I have started to develop the dreaded 'computer hump' due to my hunched over posture. I have also been experiencing upper back pain for several years, mainly due to being hunched over a keyboard all day. I did some research online and came across these posture correctors. Seemed simple enough, I figured why not? It did take some getting used to as my body is obviously quite used to its ugly, incorrect posture!!! There was a little soreness the first few times I wore it but that quickly went away. Now I find that my back pain almost completely goes away when I am wearing this!!! After several weeks, I find myself sitting up straighter at the computer and I don't have NEARLY as much back pain as I did before. I am really hoping that over time, this will help correct my little computer hump. :) Only time will tell!" – 4catsforme, Amazon Reviewer

Truweo Adjustable Upper Back Brace, $, available at Amazon
ComfiLife Orthopedic 100% Memory Foam Coccyx Seat Cushion

3.Coccyx Cushion

Will Support: Butts
This butt-cushion boasts nearly 10,000 reviews on Amazon with 69% of them awarding a 5-star rating — and coming from someone who actually owns it, I can attest that the 69% who stan this 100% orthopedic memory-foam coccyx cushion for alleviating tailbone pain are not wrong.

Supported Say: "I have suffered from sciatica for several years. I'm a very active person and my hobbies of running and cycling were only making my condition worsen. I've probably spent $2k in the past three years on physical therapy, trigger point massage, and yoga classes all of which offered only a temporary lessening of symptoms. Lo & behold, a nerdy $30 seat cushion (with convenient carry handle) was hiding on Amazon all this time, waiting to change my life forever! One week into using this cushion on my office desk chair and I am 100% PAIN-FREE!!! I ordered a second that I'll be taking on flights, car rides, and commutes. Might buy a few extra and sew them into my jeans. The possibilities are endless with this miracle cushion. 500 stars!" – VM, Amazon Reviewer

ComfiLife Orthopedic 100% Memory Foam Coccyx Seat Cushion, $, available at Amazon
Symple Stuff Westbury Pneumatic Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter

4.Standing-Desk Converter

Will Support: Circulation
You don't need to buy an entirely new desk to get the standing style's ergonomic benefits of increased circulation. Instead, try going with a converter that can be adjusted to your body's height and needs while also allowing for easy transitions between sitting and standing throughout the day.

Supported Say: "I use this at home on my desk — it was very easy to assemble and is perfect for teleworkers. I stand for half the day and sit for half a day. Love this item!" – Julie, Amazon Reviewer

Symple Stuff Westbury Pneumatic Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter, $, available at Amazon
Everlasting Comfort Under-Desk Memory Foam Footrest


Will Support: Legs & Back
Crafted from memory-foam materials in an orthopedic-grade teardrop design, this under-desk foot cushion is built to mold to your feet for support that spreads up through the legs, hips, and back.

Supported Say: "I sit at my desk for about 6 hours of my day and this helps me so much. It helps to relieve leg and back pain. I like to sit with this and stand during my day. All of these efforts help with my efforts to stay healthy. Great deal and purchase!!" – luvjen4jen, Amazon Reviewer

Everlasting Comfort Under-Desk Memory Foam Footrest, $, available at Amazon
Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard

6.Ergonomic Keyboard

Will Support: Wrists
Crafted with an angled and supportive palm rest and a curved key bed for enhanced typing comfort, this keyboard is built to encourage natural wrist and arm alignment for decreased strain while working.

Supported Say: "I really like the comfort of the hand placement for my wrist. I type 6 to 8 hours a day at work and this Ergonomic Keyboard has really relieved some of the strain due to early-stage carpal tunnel syndrome. I would recommend this item for the comfort, it's easy to adjust to if you have never used an ergonomic keyboard, set-up is easy (just plug it in) and you can't beat the price $$$$$$. Woohoo!!!!!" – Shay, Walmart Reviewer

Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard, $, available at Amazon
DRAGONN Ergonomic Kneeling Chair

7.Kneeling Chair

Will Support: Lower-Body
While this may look like something straight out of your chiropractor's office, it's actually ergonomically structured (and customer approved) to support your at-home office body. Although it has an acclimation period, once your body has adjusted the tilted-seat structure you can expect to feel improvements in your posture with pressure relief on your lower back, knees, shins, and butt.

Supported Say: "This item was so easy to put together — only took 10 minutes with one person assembly. It's more comfortable than I imagined and I can sit straight without pain in my back or hips. I can tell my core will get stronger and I'm excited to use it. The extra padding is extremely comfy and supportive." – S. Connolly, Amazon Reviewer

DRAGONN Ergonomic Kneeling Chair, $, available at Amazon
Ergodriven Topo Comfort Standing Desk Mat

8.Standing-Desk Mat

Will Support: Feet
Described as "the first anti-fatigue mat" that's designed specifically for standing desks, this ergonomic accessory — crafted with a micro- and macro-movement topography that caters to different dynamic standing positions — is ready to cushion the aching soles of those who are now regretting going the chair-less workstation route. Oh, and it's also currently on sale!

Supported Say: "If you are someone who works Monday through Friday in an office and wants to use your standing desk as much as possible in the standing position then I recommend spending a little bit more and getting a mat that will allow you to do so. What the manufacturer says is true, the terrain of the mat is so comfortable in multiple positions that you will find yourself switching throughout the day because they all feel so relaxing. The teardrop in the middle is amazing on the bottom of your foot. You can also use the back edge of the mat to stretch your calf throughout the day which is nice. If you already made the investment in a standing desk and now you are looking at anti-fatigue mats I can tell you from the two weeks that I have had this mat it is well worth the $120. It's a one time buy that you won't regret." – T. Romo, Amazon Reviewer

Ergodriven Topo Comfort Standing Desk Mat, $, available at Amazon
Symple Stuff Wanette Height Adjustable Saddle Salon Stool with Dual

9.Saddle Stool

Will Support: Lower-Back & Hips
Although you may feel like you're giddying up at first seat on this thing, the saddled structure of these ergonomic stools is built to support the natural curve in your lower back for overall tension and pressure relief, while also allowing your hips and knees to open up in a wider seated stance.

Supported Say: "Easy to assemble. The stool is stable and the base diameter allows me to get close to my work without leaning and extending my injured lower back. The ergonomic seat is exactly what I need :)" – Pamela, Wayfair Reviewer

Symple Stuff Wanette Height Adjustable Saddle Salon Stool with Dual, $, available at Wayfair
Cushion Lab Extra Dense Ergonomic Lumbar Pillow

10.Lumbar Cushion

Will Support: Your Entire Back
This firmer-style cushion attaches over your seat back to provide fuller back support that spans behind just the lumbar and up into the mid-back too.

Supported Say: "Working a desk job where I am sitting 8+ hours a day, I started developing lower back discomfort. I tried stretching, chiropractor, PT, name it, they only relieve my back pain temporarily but I would be back to having really back pain at the of the next day. Ever since I started using this, the pain is gone, and my back feels loose and fresh at the end of the day. I also tried my coworker's lumbar pillow, but it was way too soft and only covered the lower back. This one goes up to the mid-back and you really feel the difference, you feel overall back support rather than just a pillow pushing against your lower back. This is well made, firm, and feels quality, I am glad I picked this one and would definitely buy again." – Raymond, Amazon Reviewer

Cushion Lab Extra Dense Ergonomic Lumbar Pillow, $, available at Amazon

10 Ergonomic Goods That Will Support Your WFH Body 10 Ergonomic Goods That Will Support Your WFH Body Reviewed by streakoggi on May 14, 2020 Rating: 5
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